Tuesday, 19 June 2012

So pretty…


From Halifax we headed to Lunenburg, a picturesque  fishing village and Unesco World Heritage site because of its old brightly painted wooden buildings. It was a walk back in time. Everything perfectly manicured.

Lunenburg Fisheries museum

The buildings had been built for their occupants and labelled accordingly.

The shoemaker's house
Typical house plaque

This said ' horror movie' to me!

The town Junior school, recently closed

The church rebuilt after a recent fire
Even the garages/sheds are cute

Kejimujik National Park. 

If we have to go to a campsite we try to find a National park. Like Australia, they seem very well run with simple, clean facilities, and at this time of year, so quiet. No black bears but an inquisitive squirrel and a turtle who wandered across the road in front of us. I had to sneak into the bushes to take the photo. No snakes to worry about on this trip!


Bear River

Bear River – Buildings on stilts in this very arty town. Had a coffee in the friendly cafe in the blue building overlooking the river. The local and Mikmaq (first nations) community have many arts and crafts for sale in
 the shop across the road.

Digby Neck

Digby Neck is a peninsula with two small islands accessed by ferry, Long Island and Brier island. Lobster fishing and whale watching for tourists keep the communities alive. We met two very interesting locals in Whale Cove, Long Island, who happened to be brothers and fishermen. Their relatives had been living and fishing in the cove for the last 300 years. One of the brothers feared that there livelihood was dying because of the bigger fishing boats coming in and dragging everything off the bottom of the sea bed, depleting the krill that the whales feed on, so they don’t visit as much as before. He was also sad that their history had not been recorded at all unlike the French who had settled here and kept good records.
The other, eccentric, brother had a tame, pet white tailed deer whom we met! It acted just like a dog. Stephen has the picture!

We took a walk down many steps to see this large basalt column balancing! No sneezing!

Beautiful wild Lupins are found all over the countryside in all shades of blue and pink..

Brier Island

We wild camped by the Western Lighthouse on Brier Island.

The sea mist descended during the night and we half slept through the repetitive sound of its fog horn and distant blasts from another a few seconds later, a perfect 4th higher. Part of the charm!
More wild flowers by the lighthouse, wild Dragon Mouth Orchids and carnivorous red Pitcher plants.

Dragon Mouth Orchids
Pitcher Plants

Another common wildflower

Not a buttercup but the rare Eastern Mountain Avens

Port Royal

Further along our journey we made a point of stopping at Port Royal to learn about the Acadians. The buildings were a reconstruction, beautifully presented, of an early community of Acadians in the 1600’s.The Acadians were french speaking and displaced by the English. They traded with the traditional people, the Mik maq. Beaver being prized goods.
A beaver hair felt hat

Wild roses grow all over Nova Scotia

We watched the sun go down at this woodland campsite, it seems to be a typical Canadian silhouette.


It is frustrating that I have to use Internet to create this blog (Stephen, being clever, can write his web pages without needing to be online and then upload). The internet access, if we get any, is often too weak, especially when we like to get off the beaten track places, so my posts and communications may be sporadic!

1 comment:

  1. I want to go to that School! Looks like it's built out of paper.. all looks very colourful, and the photography course paying off :)
